Our Commitment

Origen's management is fully supportive of the recent agreement at COP28 to transition away from use of fossil fuels by 2050. We are also acutely aware of the tension between the aims of transitioning the energy system while accelerating the scale-up of technologies to enable low-cost, scalable carbon dioxide removal. Given the uncertainty surrounding the future energy mix, we believe fuel flexibility is our greatest asset to ensure DAC can scale in the near term. Origen's initial deployments can tolerate the use of natural gas because our technology captures all associated combustion emissions. Origen is committed to transitioning to non-fossil fuels, and has already developed a technology roadmap to test biogas / biomethane, green hydrogen, and electrification options as markets mature.  Our technology will be deployed with a goal to permanently remove and sequester carbon dioxide and will not be used for enhanced oil recovery.

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Origen's Energy Options

We have three options to create the heat needed in our direct air capture process: using natural gas; biogas sourced from waste biomass; or green hydrogen. Our system is a closed loop which means we don’t release anything to the air! 

Also, for every tonne of lifecycle CO2 emissions in our process, we remove 7 or more tonnes of CO2 from the air. Click on any option to find out how:

Option 1

Natural Gas
(closed loop)


~7 tonnes CO2 removed from the air for every 1 tonne of lifecyle CO2 emitted in the process.

Option 2

Biogas from
waste biomass


8+ tonnes CO2 removed from the air for every 1 tonne of lifecyle CO2 emitted in the process.

Option 3



8+ tonnes CO2 removed from the air for every 1 tonne of lifecyle CO2 emitted in the process.

Natural Gas (closed loop)

Origen borrows the energy in natural gas to power our process, and returns all the CO2 back underground.

Biogas from waste biomass

Waste products like food scraps or animal manure can be processed to create biogas. This avoids CO2 that is otherwise released when these products decompose. Plus when biogas is used in Origen’s closed loop system no CO2 is released to the air!


Green hydrogen

Splitting water atoms creates hydrogen – an energy source which can create high temperature with zero CO2  emissions.


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